Friday, August 17, 2012

Move to Silicon Valley: Law of Supply and Demand

If there's anything I've learned from living in Silicon Valley, it's that scarcity increases perceived attractiveness. In Silicon Valley the ratio of guys to girls is 2:1 and the dearth of women (with the exception of San Francisco) is so pronounced that San Jose is even called "Man Jose." Men are generally intelligent, conscientious, and successful (albeit odd) and will assess your attractiveness rather highly. Just moving here alone will significantly increase your chances of snagging a man and a successful, doting husband. Men will literally apply the enthusiasm they apply to their start-ups and day jobs at Facebook and Google to snagging and keeping you. It's really kind of cute.

In addition to increased options and new-found popularity, moving here will do worlds for a girl's confidence and social life. Your perceived attractiveness bumps up  several levels instantly-->the overwhelmingly positive treatment and attention you receive becomes internalized and baked into a sunny outlook on the world-->men respond to your glow-->cycle repeats. Human beings are so susceptible to public opinion that once you have been chatted about within a dude's inner circle, your socially perceived hotness level magnifies ten fold (Since dudes will find you attractive when they decide that other dudes find you attractive). Just avoid San Francisco where all the pretty girls live. In fact, avoid moving to areas with lots of pretty girls in general. Here's a map to better illustrate the law of supply and demand.

I can't tell you how many women have complained to me about the douche factor in Los Angeles and New York. The gender ratio seems to be reversed in these regions and the ladies have way too many sordid stories to tell of heartbreak, abuse, cheating, and general misfortune in love.  As a woman living in Silicon Valley I have to use my imagination to conjure up such an existence. In the Valley, I bet any woman in the "Sex and the City" series could go on and quickly find an MIT or Stanford graduate who treats them well enough  (but that would be far less glamorous).

Los Angeles, the dude's version of Silicon Valley (heh, Silicone Valley), is just about the worst deal a woman can get. There are a plethora of attractive women who enhance themselves with implants and octane voices. Competition is so fierce that women have actually honed their hotness factor down to a science. All of this effort goes into attracting less intelligent, less conscientious, and on the whole, douchier men than you would find up in the Bay Area.

If you still don't believe that scarcity increases perceived attractiveness and induces better treatment from men, please visit the following New York Times article about how "For Many Chinese Bachelors, No Deed Means No Dates" (the smug girl riding on the back of the dude's bicycle is a great representation):
It appears that Chinese bias for male babies due to the one child policy has created a gender gap of over 32 million and "an imminent generation of excess men:"

Marketplace dynamics apply to poaching the opposite sex. So go where the supply is low and demand is high. Move to Silicon Valley. Or Silicone Valley if you are a dude.

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